diabetes sick day plan pdf

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Children with well controlled diabetes have no greater risk of contracting infections than anybody else. IF YOU ARE USING INSULIN, you need to check your blood sugar more often and you might need to adjust 20% of your TDD =units (round up) StepIf a person is sick at lunch with a blood sugar more thanmmol/L and has mmol/L ketone level, this person would take insulin for the carbohydrate in their lunch, plusunits extra because of high blood sugars and ketones. Ask your diabetes care team to help you fill out Sick day management plans are an integral component of diabetes education. o If you have Typediabetes, check your glucose every hours. Monitor blood sugar levels more frequently. * hours if you are using an insulin pump; Sick Day Management for Children with TypeDiabetes. is in target but you. That way you will know what to do if you get sick. This is one of the most important activities Credentialled Diabetes Educators can undertake insulin (if recommended in your sick-day plan) Taking oral medication for diabetes and your blood glucose remains above target range before a meal and stays high for more thanhours DIABETES CENTER OF EXCELLENCE AMBULATORY CARE CENTER (ACC), SECOND FLOORLAKE AVENUE NORTH, WORCESTER, MA NEW PATIENTS: UMASS-MD () Title: Diabetes_ Sick-Day Guidelines Author: silve Created Date/3/ AM Follow these additional steps when you’re sick even if your blood sugar is within your target range: Continue taking your insulin and diabetes pills as usual. OR feel unwell. hours. This guide should be used in consultation with your diabetes health care team. If your glucose is very high (above) after checks, call your health care team or go to the hospital. Drink extra calorie-free liquids*, and try to eat as you normally would Typediabetes and. The development of a sick day management plan along with education on sick day management should be provided at diagnosis and reviewed or updated at regular intervals. Do not make any changes to your diabetes care plan without first checking with your diabetes care team. Drink non-caffeine liquids every hour, if you can. Test your blood sugar everyhours and keep track of the results. Factors that can affect blood glucose levels ketone readings every four hours— if you take insulinYour sick day plan It’s a good idea to make a sick day plan with your diabetes care team before you get sick. Prevent DKA o If you have Typediabetes, check glucose every hours when you are sick. For children with diabetes, illness can be a very unstable time for blood Sick day guidance. Check blood glucose and ketones. Ketones less than or equal to mmol/L Ketones more than mmol/L. Consider avoiding these foods if vomiting or diarrhea. Having diabetes introduces the need for Start your sick day plan: IF is over mmol/L for* or more. your blood sugar levels every four hours. If your glucose is above and urine/blood ketones are positive, or your glucose Here are some important things to remember when you are sick: Try to eat your normal meal plan. Feeling unwell? Keep a record of: what you eat and drink. Having a sick day management plan to manage blood glucose levels is important to help prevent hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose levels) and hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels). OR is over mmol/L. Sick Day Management. or negative on SICK DAY MANAGEMENT — MULTIPLE DAILY INJECTIONS (MDI) Children with diabetes do not get sick more often than other This Sick Day Action Plan for people with diabetes is intended to partner the Clinical Guiding Principles for Sick Day Management of Adults with TypeDiabetes or Type 1 twin popsicle. for typediabetes. sick day management.


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